Current Action Items for Advocacy
Here are important actions to take now!
Policy making is better when educators are influencing it, so here are opportunities for you to share your expertise.
House Democrat CCDBG/IDEA Letter – Representative Bonamici is again leading a letter supporting the early childhood community’s asks for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) and IDEA Part C Early Intervention and Part B (619) Preschool Special Education. You are encouraged to share with your Democratic House members and ask them to sign-on. While there is currently not a deadline for signatures, earlier is always better to show strong momentum! Encourage them to sign on by reaching out to Andrew Dunn in Representative Bonamici’s office.
You may also share this sign-on link with your Democratic House members. Note that you will not be able to access this link to see the letter - it will only open for the representatives.
House Republican CCDBG Letter – Representative Owens is again leading a Republican letter calling for robust funding for CCDBG. You are encouraged to share with your Republican House members and ask them to sign-on. Encourage them to sign on by having them reaching out to Cody Rowe in Representative Owens’ office.
You may also share this sign-on link with your Republican House members. Note that you will not be able to access this link to see the letter - it will only open for the representatives.
Day Without Child Care
NAEYC is again signing on as a partner for the Day Without Child Care, scheduled this year for Monday, May 13. As a reminder, this event represents a partnership between families and providers to advocate for an equitable child care system built on racial and gender justice, thriving wages for providers, and affordable and accessible child care for families. We have heard from other national partners how valuable it is to have NAEYC affiliates seen as partners in the event in their own states and communities, and these community led events also offer an excellent opportunity to connect and further build relationships with other grassroots partners in your states, so we encourage your participation in events in your own states!
For those of you interested in learning more about the Day without Child Care, here is a link to Community Change’s website (https://
Action Alerts
Background Information
- Summary of House Appropriations bill and cuts
- Preschool Development Grants: As you reach out directly to lawmakers, these state-specific talking points from the First Five Years Fund emphasize how your state has effectively used PDG B-5 funding to improve the state’s early childhood system and this chart shows how much funding your state stands to lose if the PDG grants are eliminated (as they are in the House bill).
- What happens when federal relief ends?
- Child Care Cliff: 3.2 Million Children Likely to Lose Spots with End of Federal Funds via The Century Foundation
- Impact of child care stabilization grants on family child care and educators working with infants and toddlers: NAEYC ECE Workforce Surveys | NAEYC
- Voter Support for Child Care Funding