Advertising Opportunities

Advertisements in VAAEYC eNewsletter

The VAAEYC E-Newsletter is published six times per year, bi-monthly. This digital newsletter is sent to all VAAEYC members, which ranges between 850 and 1,000 members.

These newsletters are produced in a pdf format and allow URL links.

To keep the newsletter focused on content, each edition is limited to no more than two advertisers. Ads must be single-image graphic in static PNG or JPG format (e.g., no animation, video, or audio).

Advertisements on the VAAEYC Website

These are advertisements placed in the right side-bar of the VAAEYC website.

  • 30 Day Placement - $500
  • 90 Day Placement - $1,200
  • Six Month Placement - $1,800
  • One Year Placement - $2,400

Confirmed advertisers will be contacted with full details regarding deadlines, sizes, and run dates.

Ad Rates

1/4 Page - $250
1/2 Page - $400
Full Page - $600 (Only available on last page of newsletter.)

Partner Package - $4,000 (Limited to two partners.)

½ Page ad in all 6 newsletters (One Year) $2,400 Value
Ad on VAAEYC Website for 12 Months $2,400 Value
Full-size Booth at VAAEYC Annual Conference $450 Value

Reserve your partner package now by emailing us HERE.

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