Meet Mister B

Michelle Raymond/ January 27, 2025/ Uncategorized

8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Opening and General Session – Cultivating the Brilliance of Young Children through Intentionality Across Developmental DomainsPresenter: Mister B, AVA Educational Consulting, LLC Children are born with immense potential and a natural curiosity about the world around them. This keynote will underscore the role we have as early childhood professionals in cultivating the brilliance of

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The Power of Early Childhood Teaching

Guest Blogger/ January 25, 2024/ Uncategorized

Imagine a world where personal interactions are positive, we respect one another’s opinions, and we have civil conversation. Imagine yourself, as a teacher of young children, impacting the change that is possible. THAT IS THE POWER OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHING. WHAT YOU DO MATTERS. IT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! Research over the last 20 years has revealed that young children

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Winter Reading List

Guest Blogger/ January 5, 2024/ Good to Know

Winter is here with its chill and a sense of renewal, halfway through the school year with anticipation of longer, warmer days. These books are perfect to enjoy while appreciating the beauty and calm of winter. This may be my most favorite nearly wordless book. As a Caldecott Medal winner in 2018, the illustrations tell the parallel tale of a

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Autumn Reading List

Guest Blogger/ October 25, 2023/ Good to Know

Autumn is here, along with a new school year. As we come into new routines in our classrooms, learn about new students and families, I chose these favorite back-to-school books. Getting to know the names of classmates, the change in color of falling leaves, our school community, the family table, and nocturnal animals are all relevant topics to touch on

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A Day in Family Child Care

Guest Blogger/ October 10, 2023/ Uncategorized

While the majority of VAAEYC members work in programs and centers, there is a segment of our membership that we represent that is often overlooked, Family Child Care. Many of these programs started in homes of care givers that were already caring for their own children, or extended family and neighbors’ children. These licensed programs are run and staffed by

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Unlocking Your Potential in Early Childhood Education with the Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™

Guest Blogger/ August 30, 2023/ Uncategorized

If you’re part of VAAEYC (Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children), you’re likely driven by a passion for working with young children and making a positive impact on their lives. The Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™ could be the key to advancing your career in early childhood education (ECE). The Council for Professional Recognition, a global leader in

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VAAEYC Summer Reading

Guest Blogger/ July 20, 2023/ Uncategorized

As summer reading goes, I find myself looking towards the children’s literature on my bookshelves and revisiting some of the books that I recently purchased to help diversify and update our preschool library.  We often hold onto books forever, it seems, but when we think of what we are reading and sharing with young children, we must provide room for

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10 Children’s Books To Read During LGBTQ+ Pride Month

VAAEYC Admin/ June 19, 2023/ Uncategorized

Books that embrace diversity, celebrate individuality, and instill compassion. By Macaroni KID June 7, 2023- reposted with permission Article Courtesy of Macaroni KID Subscribe here: June is a vibrant and meaningful month filled with rainbow-colored joy! It all began in 1969 with the iconic Stonewall riots, a historic event that paved the way for the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans.

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The Source for Learning Webinar

VAAEYC Admin/ June 12, 2023/ Uncategorized

What’s the Difference? Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning in Early Childhood Education Assessing Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Programs An accurate and valid assessment of DLLs’ overall development is vital to the enhancement of educational services and of the program itself. This webinar will discuss the importance of child assessment in all areas of a high-quality ECE program, including

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VAAEYC Admin/ February 24, 2022/ emotional development, Music and Arts

As my team and I were thinking about what to present for VAAEYC’s Annual Conference, we realized that this year’s gathering marks two years since the COVID-related shutdowns began. It’s amazing how much the education community has accomplished over the past 24 months: we’ve harnessed new technologies, we’ve transformed our teaching practices, and we’ve relied on the creativity of our

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