VAAEYC relies on volunteers to help make the Annual Conference run smoothly! How can you help? Volunteer as a Workshop Room Monitor! Room Monitors will greet the presenters and use an app to scan attendees in and out of sessions to ensure they earn CEU.

Room Monitor and Check-in Responsibilities

  • This role requires volunteers to download the Conference Tracker app on their personal cell phones to scan attendees in and out of sessions. Training will be provided.
  • Arrive at the assigned room at least 15 minutes before the session.
  • Greet the presenter and make sure they know you are there to assist them if needed.
  • As participants arrive, use the Conference Tracker Admin App to scan the QR code on the name badge as they enter the room.
  • When the room is filling, help direct participants to open seats.
  • Post the QR Code for attendees to use to scan out of the session, or scan name badge as attendee exit the room.

Need more incentive? Volunteers who monitor at least TWO workshop sessions are given a complimentary ticket to the Friday Night Social Event! But wait - there's more! ALL Volunteers will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a complimentary registration to the 2026 Annual Conference!

Sign up HERE if you are interested! Session selection is on a first-come, first-served basis.

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