Showcase Your Organization at the 2025 VAAEYC Annual Conference

Do your part to nurture the heartfelt beginnings of early childhood by engaging in meaningful discussions with 700+ attendees about the issues, trends, and innovations that are shaping the future of early childhood education. Attendees come looking for products and services that can have a meaningful impact in their classrooms, for their programs, or personally.

Conference Audience

Conference attendees Include Teachers & Caregivers, Directors, Administrators, Higher Education, and Others that Include; Students, owners, Speclallsts, Tralners, and others. They visit the exhlbit hall to learn more about products and services to Improve their programs.

2024 Attendance by the Numbers

  • 400 Teachers / Caregivers
  • 69 Directors
  • 52 Administrators
  • 14 Higher Education
  • 208 Other
  • 105 Presenters
  • 313 First-Time Attendees
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