On-Demand, Online Workshops
VAAEYC is introducing On-Demand, Online Workshops as a bonus offering for the 2025 Annual Conference!
These recorded workshops will be available for viewing from April 6 - May 31, 2025 and will be included at no additional cost to all in-person registrations.
If you can't attend the Annual Conference in person, these workshops are only $60 for all!
Here are the planned workshops so far, with more being added!
- Building Relationships-Understanding People - Amy Clay
- Help Me Organize My Stuff! - Amy Clay
- A Look at the Overlapping Behaviors of Unidentified Developmental Disorders - Valerie Abbott
- Strategies for Supporting Mandated Reporters of Suspected Child Abuse - Alan Guttman
- The Importance of Child Engagement in Play and Learning - Alan Guttmen
- Strong Bodies Strong Brains: Physical Play to Calm Bodies and Minds - Preston Blackburn
- Circle Time: It's More than Calendar and Weather - Tracy Cheney
- Self-Regulation: Strategies for Emotional & Sensory Support - Rachel Waff
- Beyond Crafts: Teaching Art to Preschoolers Even If You Can't Draw a Stick Figure - Elspeth McClanahan
- Promoting Life Skills: Infants and Toddlers - Riley Fitzgerald
- One Rhyme at a Time: Supporting Literacy Through Picture Books and Nursery Rhymes - Christina Shawn
We are also working on having at least one workshop in Spanish!