You should have received either an automated message with a calendar reminder, or a personal message confirming your session date, time, and room. Please EMAIL US HERE as soon as possible if you do not have this information.

When you arrive at the Greater Richmond Convention Center, please proceed to the Help Desk to check in. Here you will pick up your name badge and will be checked in. You will then be directed to the location of your session room.

We have set aside a quiet room for you to relax, grab a light snack or bottle of water, and prepare for your session. The room is behind the General Session Room – Grand Ballroom AB and is called the “Green Room.” VAAEYC staff will provide you directions to the room.

Please note that all session rooms will be set with a projector and screen. Please bring your laptop, along with any adapters you will need to connect to the projector. If you are unable to provide a laptop, please contact us ASAP HERE.

Sound is not provided in session rooms unless otherwise noted below. If you require sound for your presentation, please bring a portable speaker that can connect to the laptop.

Sound is only provided in the following rooms:

  • B10
  • B15a
  • B15b
  • B15c

The convention center public network will be available, but there will not be dedicated wifi in the breakout or general session rooms. Please download anything that you will need for your presentation and be sure to embed any video files into your presentation and save the files locally, either to a USB or on your laptop, with your presentation. If you need help please EMAIL US HERE.

All handouts will be loaded into the Conference App through your Speaker Portal in Conference Tracker. (Not in the App.) Once you receive the notification from Conference Tracker that you have been added as a presenter, you will be able to do this yourself. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT UPLOADING HANDOUTS IN THE PRESENTER WEB PORTAL. If you are unable to, please EMAIL US HERE.

No printed handouts will be distributed by VAAEYC. If you require printed handouts, please bring them for your session.

Please note that the Speaker Portal is different than the Conference App, but they are part of the same Conference Tracker Platform.

You have received an email from this platform, (different than the Call for Proposals platform) inviting you to log in and update your presenter profile in the Speaker Portal. (This is NOT the Conference App.) Please login to the portal to add your picture, bio, and handouts.

Another valuable tool the web portal offers for connecting with your audience is the Social Wall feature. To access the conference-wide Social Wall, from your dashboard click “Social Wall” under the conference logo in the right sidebar. To interact with your session’s audience specifically, first click on your session title, located under “Your Sessions”, and then click “Social Wall” in the right sidebar. Share handouts, ask engaging questions, and respond to feedback!

If you are also registered as an attendee, then you will have access to the Conference Attendee App. However, the Conference Attendee App does not provide presenter access to sessions.

If you have NOT received a separate email from Conference Tracker, know of another presenter/co-presenter who hasn’t, or are experiencing technical difficulties, let us know! Email us here.

When you arrive onsite, please pick up your name badge from the Help Desk, which will be located in the Grand Ballroom Foyer on Level 2.

Each session will have a volunteer who will scan attendees in and out of the session, and they can also assist you with getting additional technical help if needed.

If you are also an attendee or an exhibitor, see our Attendee and Exhibitor pages for more info!

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