VAAEYC Admin/ February 10, 2022/ Uncategorized
“All of life is education and everybody is a teacher and everybody is a forever pupil.”
- Abraham Maslow
As your Conference Circle Leader, I can’t begin to express in words the excitement that your Conference Circle team is feeling as we prepare to have our upcoming VAAEYC conference in person this March! Conference planning is a two-year process and as you already know, we have had to make serious adjustments regarding what the conference looks like and how we will meet the needs of our attendees. With careful and constant consideration, we have made decisions that we believe will allow you to determine the best and safest way for you to experience the wonderfully stimulating professional learning opportunities you’ve come to know and expect from your annual Conference attendance.
For your safety, we are ensuring social distancing in our breakout and general sessions, masks will be worn at all times while indoors, and we even have some outdoor spaces available at the Convention Center for fresh air! We also have asynchronous attendance options allowing you access to our conference content for a full two weeks following the live conference.
Whether you plan to attend In-Person or Online, we have planned inspiring sessions from known and new presenters, special events to engage your body, mind, and soul, and of course representation of children through the wonderful displays of their artwork. There’s still time to submit process artwork created by your children! Submissions are accepted through February 15th deadline extended! Submit art through early March!
Our field has worked harder these past two years and we all deserve a time for gathering, learning, connecting, and recharging. I hope to see you there!
Wishing you peace, love, and strength,
Christy John